Be the bank​
with Secured Private Lending

Solid borrower -> Strong simple system



Median Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

116 days

Median Bluebird period



Properties analysed weekly



Potential Bluebirds

The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) performance is NET of all fees. Performance figures displayed are past performance. Investors should be aware that past performance is not indicative of future performance. The results achieved by investors was actually higher than displayed above. The addition of the Bluebirders governance model has reduced the IRR to produce the results displayed above. All amounts are in US dollars.

We present the insights

You make the decision

Our analytics capabilities locate ideal properties


What is a bluebird?

A bluebird is a lucrative opportunity that drops into your lap unexpectedly, without much effort from you.

Each of our Bluebirds presents a specific opportunity to investors.


How it works

You, as the investor, choose an opportunity that you want to invest in.  An opportunity (a Bluebird) is a property being purchased by the borrower to be refreshed and sold.  You lend against the opportunity receiving security over the property. You are now the secured private lender for that Bluebird.

You receive your return as a result of the borrower’s refresh and sale of the property.  The median internal rate of return from these cycles, as described above, is 22%.

Each cycle is typically a short timeframe (median 116 days), so the real value comes from repeating the process of securing your next Bluebird.

More detail

About Bluebirders

Bluebirders have over 10 years of demonstrated Bluebird success, now enhanced by analytics and strong governance to land bluebirds in your lap.